Best YouTube Channel for Meditation

Best YouTube Channels for Meditation


Meditation is a practice that can help you relax, focus, and reduce stress. It can also improve your mental and physical health, such as boosting your mood, enhancing your immune system, and lowering your blood pressure.

But how do you start meditating? And where can you find the best guidance and inspiration?

One of the easiest and most accessible ways to learn and practice meditation is through YouTube. YouTube has thousands of videos on meditation, ranging from beginner to advanced levels, from different traditions and styles, and from various teachers and experts.

But with so many options, how do you choose the best YouTube channels for meditation?

In this article, we will review some of the most popular and helpful YouTube channels for meditation, based on their content, quality, and audience feedback. We will also compare their features and benefits, and answer some frequently asked questions about meditation and YouTube.

Benefits of Meditation And Manifestation

Benefit Meditation Manifestation
Inner Peace Reduces stress and anxiety Cultivates a positive outlook
Focus and Clarity Improves concentration and attention span Brings awareness to goals and desires
Self-Awareness Increases understanding of thoughts and emotions Identifies limiting beliefs
Emotional Regulation Develops healthy coping mechanisms for negativity Promotes feelings of gratitude and abundance
Improved Well-being Boosts overall mood and sense of calm Encourages a growth mindset
Increased Focus Trains the mind to stay present in the moment Allows for visualization of desired outcomes
Best YouTube Channel for Meditation
Best YouTube Channel for Meditation

Best YouTube Channel for Meditation

How to Choose a YouTube Channel for Meditation

Before we dive into the list of the best YouTube channels for meditation, let’s first consider some factors that can help you choose the right one for you. Here are some questions to ask yourself

What is your goal or intention for meditating? Do you want to relax, focus, heal, or explore your spirituality?

What is your level of experience or skill in meditation? Do you need basic instructions, tips, or challenges?

What is your preferred style or method of meditation? Do you like guided or silent meditation, music or sounds, breathing or visualization, or a combination of these?

How much time do you have or want to spend on meditation? Do you prefer short or long sessions, or a mix of both?

Who is your favorite teacher or expert on meditation? Do you resonate with their voice, personality, or philosophy?

These questions can help you narrow down your choices and find the YouTube channel that suits your needs and preferences. Of course, you can also experiment with different channels and videos, and see what works best for you.

The Best YouTube Channels for Meditation

Now that you have some criteria to guide your selection, let’s look at some of the best YouTube channels for meditation. We have selected 10 channels that have high ratings, views, and subscribers, and that offer a variety of content, quality, and benefits. We have also included a table that summarizes their features and benefits, and a link to their most popular or recommended video.

 1. The Honest Guys

The Honest Guys is one of the most popular YouTube channels for meditation, with over 2.5 million subscribers and over 600 million views. The channel was created by three friends from the UK, who wanted to share their passion for meditation, relaxation, and wellness.

The Honest Guys offer a wide range of videos, such as guided meditations, sleep meditations, music, sounds, affirmations, and stories. Their videos are designed to help you with various aspects of your life, such as stress, fear, sleep, healing, happiness, and spirituality.

Their videos are also very highquality, with professional voiceovers, soothing music, and stunning visuals. They often use themes and scenarios from nature, fantasy, and mythology, to create immersive and engaging experiences.

The Honest Guys is a great YouTube channel for meditation, especially if you are looking for variety, quality, and inspiration.

Most popular or recommended video Guided Meditation for Anxiety and Stress Relie

 2. Mindful Movement

Mindful Movement is another popular YouTube channel for meditation, with over 1.5 million subscribers and over 100 million views. The channel was created by Sara and Les Raymond, who are both certified yoga and meditation instructors.

Mindful Movement focuses on guided meditations, that help you cultivate mindfulness, awareness, and compassion. Their videos are designed to help you with various challenges and goals, such as stress, anxiety, pain, gratitude, selflove, and forgiveness.

Their videos are also very simple and clear, with calm and gentle voiceovers, relaxing music, and minimal visuals. They often use breathing, body scan, and visualization techniques, to help you connect with your body, mind, and emotions.

Mindful Movement is a great YouTube channel for meditation, especially if you are looking for simplicity, clarity, and mindfulness.

Feature benefits Simplicity You can easily follow the instructions and guidance, without any distractions or complications.

Clarity You can understand the purpose and benefits of each meditation, and how to apply them to your life.

Mindfulness You can develop your attention, awareness, and compassion, and improve your mental and emotional health.

 3. Jason Stephenson

Jason Stephenson is another popular YouTube channel for meditation, with over 1.4 million subscribers and over 300 million views. The channel was created by Jason Stephenson, who is an Australian meditation teacher, author, and speaker.

Jason Stephenson specializes in sleep meditations, that help you fall asleep faster, deeper, and longer. His videos are designed to help you with various sleep issues, such as insomnia, nightmares, stress, and anxiety.

His videos are also very soothing and relaxing, with soft and warm voiceovers, ambient music, and peaceful visuals. He often uses hypnosis, affirmations, and stories, to help you relax your body, mind, and soul.

Jason Stephenson is a great YouTube channel for meditation, especially if you are looking for sleep, relaxation, and hypnosis.

Feature benefits Sleep You can improve your sleep quality and quantity, and wake up feeling refreshed and energized.

Relaxation You can release your tension and stress, and calm your nervous system and emotions.

Hypnosis You can access your subconscious mind, and reprogram your thoughts and beliefs.

 4. Tara Brach

Tara Brach is another popular YouTube channel for meditation, with over 800,000 subscribers and over 50 million views. The channel was created by Tara Brach, who is an American meditation teacher, psychologist, and author.

Tara Brach focuses on Buddhist meditations, that help you cultivate wisdom, compassion, and freedom. Her videos are designed to help you with various aspects of your spiritual journey, such as mindfulness, loving kindness, forgiveness, and awakening.

Her videos are also very insightful and profound, with eloquent and heartfelt voiceovers, subtle music, and simple visuals. She often uses stories, anecdotes, and quotes, to illustrate and explain the teachings and practices of Buddhism.

Tara Brach is a great YouTube channel for meditation, especially if you are looking for wisdom, compassion, and spirituality.

Feature Benefit Wisdom You can learn and apply the principles and teachings of Buddhism, and enhance your understanding and perspective.

Compassion You can develop and express your kindness and care, for yourself and others, and heal your wounds and relationships.

Spirituality You can explore and experience your true nature, and connect with your higher self and source.

 5. Yoga with Adriene

Yoga with Adriene is another popular YouTube channel for meditation, with over 10 million subscribers and over 900 million views. The channel was created by Adriene Mishler, who is an American yoga and meditation instructor, actress, and entrepreneur.

Yoga with Adriene combines yoga and meditation, that help you balance your body, mind, and spirit. Her videos are designed to help you with various aspects of your wellness, such as fitness, flexibility, strength, and relaxation.

Her videos are also very fun and friendly, with lively and humorous voiceovers, upbeat music, and colorful visuals. She often uses themes and challenges, to motivate and inspire you to practice yoga and meditation regularly.

Yoga with Adriene is a great YouTube channel for meditation, especially if you are looking for yoga, fitness, and fun.

Feature Benefit Yoga You can improve your physical health and performance, and align your posture and breath.

Fitness You can enhance your stamina, endurance, and flexibility, and tone your muscles and organs.

Fun You can enjoy your practice, and have a good time with Adriene and her dog Benji.

 6. Michael Sealey

Michael Sealey is another popular YouTube channel for meditation, with over 1.8 million subscribers and over 300 million views. The channel was created by Michael Sealey, who is an Australian meditation teacher, hypnotherapist, and musician.

Michael Sealey specializes in hypnosis and guided

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Best YouTube Channel for Meditation

Certainly! If you’re looking for meditation guidance on YouTube, there are several excellent channels to explore. Here are some recommendations:

  1. Goodful: This self-care channel focuses on health, fitness, and overall well-being, including meditation. You’ll find ten to fifteen-minute guided meditations for anxiety, self-love, sleep, and beginners. The soothing colors and calming voices create a welcoming meditation experience.
  2. The Mindfulness Meditation Channel: Offers various mindfulness and meditation content. It’s a great place to explore different techniques and practices.
  3. Jason Stephenson – Sleep Meditation Music: Jason’s channel provides relaxing music and guided meditations specifically designed to help with sleep and relaxation.
  4. Michael Sealey: Known for his soothing voice, Michael offers a wide range of guided meditations, including those for stress relief, anxiety, and sleep.
  5. The Honest Guys – Meditations – Relaxation: Their channel features beautiful nature visuals combined with calming music and guided meditations. Perfect for winding down and finding inner peace.
  6. Tara Brach: Tara’s channel focuses on mindfulness, compassion, and meditation. Her talks and guided practices are insightful and transformative


Here are some frequently asked questions about meditation and YouTube

Q How often should I meditate?

A There is no definitive answer to this question, as different people may have different preferences and goals for meditation. However, a general recommendation is to meditate at least once a day, for about 10 to 20 minutes, to experience the benefits of meditation. You can also meditate more often or longer, depending on your availability and interest.

Q How do I know if I am meditating correctly?

A There is no one right way to meditate, as different styles and methods of meditation may suit different people. However, some common signs that you are meditating correctly are you feel relaxed, calm, and focused; you are aware of your breath, body, and sensations; you are not distracted by thoughts, emotions, or external stimuli; and you are not judging yourself or your experience.

Q What are the best times to meditate?

A The best times to meditate are when you are most comfortable and alert, and when you can avoid interruptions and distractions. Some people prefer to meditate in the morning, to start their day with a positive and peaceful mindset. Others prefer to meditate in the evening, to unwind and relax after a busy and stressful day. You can also meditate at any time during the day, whenever you feel the need or desire to do so.

Q Can I meditate with music or sounds?

A Yes, you can meditate with music or sounds, as long as they are not too loud, distracting, or disturbing. Music or sounds can help you create a soothing and pleasant atmosphere, and enhance your meditation experience. However, you should also be able to meditate without music or sounds, as they are not essential for meditation. You should also be careful not to rely on music or sounds as a crutch, or to avoid facing your thoughts and emotions.

Q Can I meditate with my eyes open or closed?

A You can meditate with your eyes open or closed, depending on your preference and comfort. Some people find it easier to meditate with their eyes closed, as it helps them block out visual distractions and focus inward. Others find it easier to meditate with their eyes open, as it helps them stay alert and aware of their surroundings. You can also alternate between opening and closing your eyes, or use a soft gaze, to find the best balance for you.


Meditation is a powerful and beneficial practice, that can help you improve your health, happiness, and well being. YouTube is a convenient and accessible platform, that can help you learn and practice meditation, with the guidance and support of various teachers and experts.

In this article, we have reviewed some of the best YouTube channels for meditation, based on their content, quality, and audience feedback. We have also compared their features and benefits, and provided a link to their most popular or recommended video.

We hope that this article has helped you find the best YouTube channel for meditation, that suits your needs and preferences. We also encourage you to explore and experiment with different channels and videos, and see what works best for you

Remember, meditation is a personal and unique journey, that can enrich and transform your life. Happy meditating

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