Best Breathing Meditation App

Best Breathing Meditation Apps

Breathing meditation is a simple and powerful way to calm your mind, reduce stress, and improve your wellbeing. By focusing on your breath, you can bring your attention to the present moment and let go of any worries or distractions. Breathing meditation can also help you increase your concentration, creativity, and fruitfulness.

However, not everyone knows how to practice breathing meditation correctly or consistently. That’s why there are many apps that can guide you through different breathing techniques and exercises. These apps can help you learn the basics of breathing meditation, track your progress, and motivate you to keep up with your practice.

But how do you choose the best breathing meditation app for your needs? There are many factors to consider, such as the app’s features, design, price, and user reviews. To help you decide, we have compiled a list of the top five breathing meditation apps available for Android and iOS devices. We have also compared them based on their pros and cons, and answered some frequently asked questions about breathing meditation apps.

Benefits of Meditation And Manifestation

Benefit Meditation Manifestation
Inner Peace Reduces stress and anxiety Cultivates a positive outlook
Focus and Clarity Improves concentration and attention span Brings awareness to goals and desires
Self-Awareness Increases understanding of thoughts and emotions Identifies limiting beliefs
Emotional Regulation Develops healthy coping mechanisms for negativity Promotes feelings of gratitude and abundance
Improved Well-being Boosts overall mood and sense of calm Encourages a growth mindset
Increased Focus Trains the mind to stay present in the moment Allows for visualization of desired outcomes
Best Breathing Meditation App
Best Breathing Meditation App

Best Breathing Meditation App

What is Breathing Meditation?

Breathing meditation is a type of meditation that involves focusing on your breath as the object of your attention. You can practice breathing meditation by following these simple steps

Find a comfortable and quiet place to sit or lie down. You can use a cushion, a chair, or a bed. Make sure your back is straight and your shoulders are relaxed.

Close your eyes or lower your gaze. You can also use an eye mask or a scarf to block out any light.

Breathe naturally and observe your breath. Notice how your chest, abdomen, and nostrils move as you inhale and exhale. Don’t try to control or change your breath, just be aware of it.

If your mind wanders, gently bring it back to your breath. Don’t judge or criticize yourself, just acknowledge the distraction and return to your breathing.

Continue this practice for as long as you want. You can start with a few minutes and gradually increase the duration. You can also use a timer or an app to guide you.

  • Breathing meditation can help you achieve various benefits, such as
  • Reducing stress, anxiety, and depression
  • Lowering blood pressure and heart rate
  • Improving mood and emotional regulation
  • Enhancing focus and memory
  • Boosting creativity and problem solving skills
  • Increasing self awareness and mindfulness
  • Promoting relaxation and sleep quality

Best Breathing Meditation App

Certainly! Here are some top meditation apps that you might find helpful for your breathing practice:

  1. Headspace: This app offers a wide variety of meditations, including guided sessions for beginners and more advanced practitioners. Its rich library is well-organized and easy to navigate. You’ll find courses that address specific areas like anxiety, patience, self-esteem, and grief. Additionally, Headspace provides short, one-session meditations for specific situations or quick breaks during your day.
  2. Calm: While Calm’s meditations are less structured, it offers ambient soundscapes and relaxation content. It’s a great choice if you prefer a more flexible approach to meditation.
  3. Healthy Minds Program: If you’re looking for a basic meditation app that’s free, consider the Healthy Minds Program. It’s a budget-friendly option that provides a solid foundation for mindfulness practice.
  4. Smiling Mind: Aimed at younger users, Smiling Mind is another free app that’s great for beginners. It’s particularly suitable for kids and young adults starting their mindfulness journey.

Top Five Breathing Meditation Apps

There are many breathing meditation apps that you can download and use on your smartphone or tablet. However, not all of them are equally effective, userfriendly, or affordable. To help you narrow down your choices, we have selected the top five breathing meditation apps based on their features, design, price, and user reviews. Here they are

 1. Breathwork

Breathwork is a breathing meditation app that offers various breathing exercises for different purposes and situations. You can choose from categories such as calm, energize, sleep, focus, and more. Each exercise has a clear and simple instruction, a timer, and a sound or vibration cue to guide you. You can also customize the duration, intensity, and frequency of the exercises according to your preference.

Breathwork also tracks your progress and gives you feedback on your performance. You can see how many minutes you have practiced, how many breaths you have taken, and how your heart rate variability H R V has changed. H R V is a measure of the variation in the time intervals between your heartbeats, and it reflects your stress level and emotional state. A higher H R V means a lower stress level and a higher resilience.

Breathwork is free to download and use, but it also offers a premium subscription that gives you access to more exercises, features, and content. The premium subscription costs $9.99 per month or $59.99 per year.


  • Easy to use and navigate
  • Variety of exercises for different goals and moods
  • Customizable settings and options
  • Tracks and analyzes your progress and H R V
  • Free version available


  • Premium subscription is relatively expensive
  • Some exercises may not be suitable for beginners or people with health conditions
  • Requires internet connection to access some content

 2. Prana Breath

Prana Breath is another breathing meditation app that provides a range of breathing techniques and exercises. You can choose from eight breathing patterns, such as Relax, Calm, Power, Harmony, and more. Each pattern has a different ratio of inhalation, exhalation, and breath retention, and it affects your body and mind in different ways. You can also create your own custom patterns and save them for later use.

Prana Breath guides you through the exercises with a visual, auditory, or tactile cue. You can adjust the volume, pitch, and vibration of the cue, as well as the background music and sound effects. You can also set the duration, cycles, and intervals of the exercises, and use a reminder or a widget to schedule your practice.

Prana Breath also records your progress and statistics, such as the number of sessions, minutes, and breaths you have completed. You can also sync your data with Google Drive or Dropbox, and export it as a CSV file.

Prana Breath is free to download and use, but it also offers a Guru version that unlocks more features and content. The Guru version costs $2.99 as a onetime purchase.


  • Flexible and customizable
  • Variety of patterns and options
  • Simple and elegant design
  • Records and syncs your data
  • Affordable Guru version


  • Some patterns may be too complex or challenging for beginners or people with health conditions
  • Some features and content are only available in the Guru version 

 3. Breathe+

Breathe+ is a minimalist and elegant breathing meditation app that helps you relax and focus. You can use Breathe+ to practice different breathing techniques, such as box breathing, 478 breathing, alternate nostril breathing, and more. You can also customize the length, ratio, and pause of your breaths, and choose from different themes and colors.

Breathe+ guides you through the exercises with a simple and soothing animation that expands and contracts with your breath. You can also enable a sound or vibration cue to accompany the animation. You can also set a timer or a goal for your practice, and use a widget or a notification to remind you.

Breathe+ also tracks your progress and statistics, such as the number of sessions, minutes, and breaths you have completed. You can also view your history and streaks, and share your achievements with others.

Breathe+ is free to download and use, but it also offers a Pro version that removes ads and unlocks more features and content. The Pro version costs $1.99 as a onetime purchase.


  • Minimalist and elegant design
  • Variety of techniques and options
  • Easy to use and follow
  • Tracks and shares your progress and statistics
  • Affordable Pro version


  • No feedback or analysis on your performance or H R V
  • Some features and content are only available in the Pro version
  • Requires internet connection to access some content

 4. Oak

Oak is a breathing meditation app that combines breathing exercises with guided meditations and relaxing sounds. You can choose from three breathing exercises, such as Deep Calm, Box Breathing, and Awake. Each exercise has a different purpose and effect, such as calming your nervous system, increasing your alertness, or improving your focus. You can also adjust the duration and intensity of the exercises, and use a timer or a reminder to schedule your practice.

Oak guides you through the exercises with a voice, a sound, or a vibration cue. You can also choose from different background sounds, such as rain, ocean, forest, and more. You can also use Oak to practice guided meditations, such as Loving Kindness, Body Scan, and Mindful Breathing. You can also choose from different instructors, durations, and background sounds for the meditations.

Oak also tracks your progress and statistics, such as the number of sessions, minutes, and breaths you have completed. You can also view your history and streaks, and earn badges and achievements. You can also join the Oak community and share your experiences with other users.

Oak is free to download and use, and it does not have any ads or inapp purchases.


  • Free and ad free
  • Combines breathing exercises with guided meditations and relaxing sounds
  • Variety of options and settings
  • Tracks and rewards your progress and statistics
  • Has a community feature


  • No feedback or analysis on your performance or H R V
  • Limited number of breathing exercises
  • Requires internet connection to access some content

 5. Breath Ball

Breath Ball is a breathing meditation app that uses a ball animation to guide you through different breathing exercises. You can choose from four breathing exercises, such as Relaxation, Coherence, Resonance, and Custom. Each exercise has a different goal and effect, such as reducing stress, improving heart health, enhancing mental clarity, or creating your own pattern. You can also adjust the duration, frequency, and ratio of the exercises, and use a timer or a reminder to schedule your practice.

Breath Ball guides you through the exercises with a ball animation that grows and shrinks with your breath. You can also enable a sound or vibration cue to accompany the animation. You can also choose from different colors and shapes for the ball, and different backgrounds and sounds for the app.

Breath Ball also tracks your progress and statistics, such as the number of sessions, minutes, and breaths you have completed.


Here are some frequently asked questions about breathing meditation apps

Q How often should I use a breathing meditation app?

A There is no fixed rule on how often you should use a breathing meditation app, but generally, the more you practice, the better you will feel. You can start with a few minutes a day and gradually increase the frequency and duration of your sessions. You can also use a breathing meditation app whenever you feel stressed, anxious, or overwhelmed, or when you need to relax, focus, or energize yourself.

Q Which breathing meditation app is the best for me?

A The best breathing meditation app for you depends on your personal preferences, goals, and needs. You may want to try out different apps and see which one suits you the best. You can also consider the app’s features, design, price, and user reviews. You can use our comparison table below to help you decide.

Q Are there any risks or side effects of using a breathing meditation app?

A Breathing meditation is generally safe and beneficial for most people, but there are some exceptions and precautions. Some breathing exercises may not be suitable for beginners or people with certain health conditions, such as asthma, heart problems, or high blood pressure. If you have any doubts or concerns, you should consult your doctor before using a breathing meditation app. You should also stop using a breathing meditation app if you experience any discomfort, dizziness, nausea, or pain.


Breathing meditation is a simple and effective way to calm your mind, reduce stress, and improve your wellbeing. By using a breathing meditation app, you can learn and practice different breathing techniques and exercises that can help you achieve various benefits, such as relaxation, focus, energy, and more.

However, not all breathing meditation apps are equally effective, user friendly, or affordable. To help you choose the best breathing meditation app for your needs, we have compiled a list of the top five breathing meditation apps available for Android and iOS devices. We have also compared them based on their pros and cons, and answered some frequent

Want to know more about us:

Best Breathing Technique for Meditation

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