Guided Meditation For High School Students

Guided Meditation for High School Students


Meditation is a practice of focusing your attention on the present moment without judging or reacting to your thoughts and feelings. Meditation can help you reduce stress improve your mood enhance your concentration and boost your wellbeing.

However meditation can be challenging for beginners especially for high school students who have busy schedules and many distractions. That’s why guided meditation can be a great option for you. Guided meditation is a type of meditation where you listen to a voice or a recording that leads you through a series of instructions and prompts. Guided meditation can make it easier for you to follow along and stay focused.

In this article we will explore the benefits of guided meditation for high school students how to do it and some tips and resources to help you get started.

Benefits of Meditation And Manifestation

Benefit Meditation Manifestation
Inner Peace Reduces stress and anxiety Cultivates a positive outlook
Focus and Clarity Improves concentration and attention span Brings awareness to goals and desires
Self-Awareness Increases understanding of thoughts and emotions Identifies limiting beliefs
Emotional Regulation Develops healthy coping mechanisms for negativity Promotes feelings of gratitude and abundance
Improved Well-being Boosts overall mood and sense of calm Encourages a growth mindset
Increased Focus Trains the mind to stay present in the moment Allows for visualization of desired outcomes
Guided Meditation For High School Students
Guided Meditation For High School Students

Benefits of Guided Meditation for High School Students

Guided meditation can offer many benefits for high school students such as

Reducing stress and anxiety. High school can be stressful and overwhelming with academic pressure social challenges and personal issues. Guided meditation can help you calm your nervous system relax your body and release your negative emotions. Studies have shown that guided meditation can lower your cortisol levels which are associated with stress and increase your serotonin levels which are associated with happiness .

Improving your mood and selfesteem. High school can also affect your mood and selfesteem especially if you face bullying peer pressure or low grades. Guided meditation can help you cultivate positive thoughts and feelings such as gratitude compassion and confidence. Studies have shown that guided meditation can enhance your emotional regulation resilience and optimism .

Enhancing your concentration and memory. High school can require a lot of concentration and memory especially when you have to study for exams do homework or participate in class. Guided meditation can help you improve your focus and attention by training your mind to stay on the task and avoid distractions. Studies have shown that guided meditation can boost your cognitive performance such as your working memory executive function and problemsolving skills .

Boosting your wellbeing and health. High school can also impact your wellbeing and health especially if you have poor sleep diet or exercise habits. Guided meditation can help you improve your quality of life by promoting your physical mental and social health. Studies have shown that guided meditation can lower your blood pressure heart rate and inflammation as well as improve your immune system sleep quality and social relationships .

Guided Meditation For High School Students

Certainly! Guided meditation can be a wonderful practice for high school students to manage stress, improve focus, and enhance overall well-being. Here are some resources and options for guided meditation:

  1. YouTube: You can find various guided meditation videos on YouTube. One example is a 12-minute guided meditation for high school students that focuses on relaxation and stress reduction. The instructor shares valuable insights and encourages students to explore meditation as a tool for coping with stress and anxiety. Feel free to check it out here.
  2. Mindfulness for Teens: The website “Mindfulness for Teens” offers a collection of guided meditations specifically designed for teenagers. These include practices like the Body Scan (Short) (10 minutes) and Mindful Breathing (5 minutes). You can access these meditations directly on their website.
  3. Incorporate Meditation in the Classroom: As an educator, you can introduce meditation to your high school students. Research suggests that meditation can help reduce stress, improve attention, and regulate emotions. Consider creating a folder in your Google Classroom where you share articles and resources related to meditation. This way, students can access these materials whenever needed.

How to Do Guided Meditation

Guided meditation is easy to do and you can do it anywhere and anytime. Here are some simple steps to follow

 Find a comfortable and quiet place. You can sit on a chair a cushion or the floor with your back straight and your hands on your lap. You can also lie down on a bed or a mat if you prefer. Make sure you are in a place where you won’t be disturbed or distracted by noise people or devices.

Choose a guided meditation. You can use a voice or a recording that guides you through a meditation session. You can find many guided meditations online on websites apps podcasts or YouTube. You can also ask a friend a teacher or a counselor to guide you. You can choose a guided meditation that suits your preference such as the length the topic the style or the background music. 

Listen and follow along. You can use headphones or speakers to listen to the guided meditation. You can adjust the volume and the speed to your liking. You can also pause or rewind the guided meditation if you need to. The most important thing is to listen and follow along with the instructions and prompts. You don’t have to do anything else just let the voice or the recording guide you.

Be gentle and patient with yourself. You may find it hard to meditate at first especially if you are not used to it. You may get bored restless or sleepy. You may also get distracted by your thoughts feelings or sensations. That’s okay it’s normal and natural. Don’t judge or criticize yourself just gently bring your attention back to the guided meditation. Remember there is no right or wrong way to meditate just do your best and enjoy the process.

Tips and Resources for Guided Meditation

Here are some tips and resources to help you get started with guided meditation

Start small and gradually increase. You don’t have to meditate for a long time to get the benefits. You can start with a few minutes a day and gradually increase the duration as you get more comfortable and confident. You can also try different guided meditations to find the ones that work best for you.

Make it a habit and a routine. You can meditate at any time of the day but it may be easier to do it at a regular time and place. You can meditate in the morning to start your day with a positive and calm mindset. You can meditate in the evening to end your day with a relaxing and peaceful mood. You can also meditate before or after a stressful or challenging event such as a test a presentation or a conflict.

Use apps and websites. There are many apps and websites that offer guided meditations for high school students. Some of them are free some of them are paid and some of them offer both options. Here are some examples of popular and reputable apps and websites that you can try 

[Headspace] This app offers hundreds of guided meditations on various topics such as stress sleep focus and happiness. It also has a special section for students with meditations tailored to their needs and goals. You can try the app for free for 10 days and then subscribe for a monthly or yearly fee. You can also get a free subscription if you are a student with a valid school email address.

This app offers hundreds of guided meditations on various topics such as anxiety gratitude selfesteem and creativity. It also has a special section for teens with meditations designed to help them cope with the challenges and pressures of high school. You can try the app for free for 7 days and then subscribe for a monthly or yearly fee.

[Insight Time} This app offers thousands of guided meditations on various topics such as mindfulness compassion confidence and motivation. It also has a large community of users and teachers who share their meditations and experiences. You can use the app for free or upgrade to a premium membership for more features and benefits.

[Smiling Mind]This website offers hundreds of guided meditations on various topics such as emotions relationships learning and performance. It also has a special section for young people with meditations suitable for different age groups and stages of life. You can use the website for free or download the app for more convenience and accessibility.

FAQs for Guided Meditation

Here are some frequently asked questions and answers about guided meditation

QHow long should I meditate for?

A There is no fixed rule or recommendation for how long you should meditate for. It depends on your preference availability and goal. You can meditate for as little as 5 minutes or as long as an hour or anything in between. The most important thing is to meditate regularly and consistently rather than sporadically and excessively.

QWhat should I do if I fall asleep while meditating?

A Falling asleep while meditating is not a bad thing it means that you are relaxed and comfortable. However if you want to stay awake and alert you can try some of these tips  

Meditate at a time when you are not too tired or sleepy such as in the morning or afternoon rather than at night or before bed.

Meditate in a position that keeps your spine straight and your head upright such as sitting or standing rather than lying down or reclining.

Meditate with your eyes open or slightly open rather than closed or fully closed.

Meditate with some background noise or music rather than in complete silence or with soothing sounds.

Meditate with a partner or a group rather than alone or in isolation.

QWhat should I do if I get bored or restless while meditating?

A Getting bored or restless while meditating is normal and common it means that you are human and have a curious and active mind. However if you want to overcome boredom and restlessness you can try some of these tips

  Meditate with a purpose and a goal such as to reduce stress improve mood enhance concentration or boost wellbeing rather than to kill time escape reality or achieve enlightenment. 

Meditate with a variety and a diversity such as to try different guided meditations topics styles or teachers rather than to stick to the same one over and over again.

  Meditate with a challenge and a curiosity such as to explore your thoughts feelings and sensations rather than to ignore suppress or avoid them.

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